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The opening of a new branch of Adam Pharmacy (Branch 59) to serve the south of Riyadh

The opening of a new branch of Adam Pharmacy (Branch 59) to serve the south of Riyadh

Opening of Adam Pharmacy Branch 59
Integration and comprehensiveness of medical services with you wherever you are

As a continuation of its unremitting efforts to cover all parts of the Kingdom, Adam Medical Company is proud to open the 59th branch of its chain of pharmacies, which always seeks to be present for your health and to provide medical services of the highest quality. Sadeer Street in front of Sadeer Mosque, next to Latha Walma Restaurant.

The role of pharmacies today is not only limited to providing medicine but there are basics and expansions that include the word safe medical service. We strive with our entire staff to provide the best, finest, and fastest as well…

Adam Pharmacies Branch 59 Excellent services
Medicine is the elixir of life and it is the savior sometimes in times of danger, so we are always keen to provide the best

In all aspects of medical services

Such as :

Integration of all types of medicines that the family needs, whether in emergency situations or in cases of chronic diseases, and for all specialties
Adam Pharmacies seeks to provide modern medicines and follow up on all developments and developments in the production of medicines globally
Adam Pharmacies, Branch 59, offers the strongest specialized team for medical advice and consultations
Dispensing medical prescriptions electronically with delivery services available
Electronic reminder services for when to purchase medications for chronic diseases
Professional team for continuous communication in emergencies
Availability of the best and finest international brands of skin and hair care products
The availability of everything that the mother imagines or dreams of for her needs during pregnancy, breastfeeding, and childcare
The popular pharmacy that has proven to be with you and with you we will rise.. and our goal is to provide better services to our valued customers.

Our permanent motto is to provide prevention, recovery, and serious follow-up through Adam's pharmacy chain...

We are in touch with you wherever you are

With Adam's pharmacies is a divine gift and we are its paved path

For direct contact with the branch: +966550262355

For direct contact the short number of Adam Pharmacies group: is 920022326

Address: Shubra district, south of Riyadh, specifically on Sudair Street in front of Sudair Mosque, next to Lathah Walma Restaurant, and it can be accessed directly by clicking here

times of work :

Sunday, 7:00am-3:00am

Monday, 7:00am-3:00am

Tuesday, 7:00am-3:00am

Wednesday, 7:00am-3:00am

Thursday, 7:00am-3:00am

Friday, 12:30 pm-1:30 am

Saturday, 7:00am-3:00am

Welcome to all branches across the cities and villages of the Kingdom, and welcome to branch 59 of Adam's pharmacy chain

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